Appearance is more than skin deep. Or, clothing deep.
Having litigated for over 35 years, I have seen the good, the bad and the very ugly of litigation. Appearance is very important to a Judge, who will be deciding the fate of your children, where the children will live, when each parent will see the children.
First, a custody hearing is one of the most important days of the lives of the children, yourself and the other parent. Your appearance can tip the scale in your favor by following simple rules:
1. Be on time. Judges like promptness
2. Be dressed appropriately and respectfully. Leave the tank tops, sweat pants, sweat shirts, concert shirts, belly shirts, sleeveless shirts at home. Wear what you would wear if your life was at issue because it is fir your children.
3. Speak in full sentences with words. Leave the slang and street language somewhere else.
4. Do not argue in the Courtroom except when it is time to argue.
5. Do not interrupt the Judge, other counsel or party. If you do not agree with what other counsel or party said, wait your turn and ask the Judge to allow you to respond. Speaking out is does not help you.
6. Watch your language, cursing does not always help you.
7. Most of all, be respectfully.
Following these simple rules may lead a Judge to rule in your favor.
Marc Vogin